Schulze Harmonics Apps

WaveHarmonizer 1.0
SchulzeHarmonics WaveHarmonizer harmonizes theradiation emanating from your Android smartphone, minimizing thenegative interference without impacting your phone's performance.According to user feedback, this app achieves the same effectsas rose quartz gadgets and hightech stickers that are applied tomobile phones (and make them ugly).While calibrating for your device, bit patterns are calculatedthat interfere destructively with negative information irradiation.The function of your phone (be it mobile calls, mobile data, Wifi,Bluetooth or GPS) is not affected in any way.Another advantage of this app is that no natural resources wereconsumed in producing it (as opposed to plastic stickers), so inaddition you save the environment!We hope this app will help people with electromagnetichypersensitivity (EHS) and those concerned about mobile phoneelectromagnetic radiation (EMR).Due to the way Android works, this application requires a longset of permissions; those are only used to disable and re-enableall the radio components during calibration.